Dec 31, 2009
Happy New Year!
Wow, what a year! It has been one wild ride. Katherine (aka Quilter Going Bananas) took the words right out of my mouth...I too want to wish everyone much happiness & good health for the coming year. In my opinion, as long as you have those 2, everything else just falls in place.
Dec 29, 2009
Most Charming Girl of the Year Award for 2009!
Kelly, our wonderful group leader has given me that title...along with some cool bloggy bling (see picture/title to the right), a Make Life...jelly cake & a tiara! Ok, no tiara but I feel I have one on. LOL!
Thank you Kelly for starting such a fun & warm group where we all can get together! I truly am blessed to be surround by such amazingly awesome women...I'm a lucky gal! I'm anxious to see what the new year will bring all of us!
Thank you Kelly for starting such a fun & warm group where we all can get together! I truly am blessed to be surround by such amazingly awesome women...I'm a lucky gal! I'm anxious to see what the new year will bring all of us!
I've been out of it for the last several days but I'm hoping to get back into a groove - SOON! LOL! But I had let you know, there's a sale going on at Cotton Charm Quilts. I just found out - that's how out of it I am. Anyhoo, a little window shopping couldn't hurt...right?
I hope everyone had a wonderfully, magical Christmas! We did.
I hope everyone had a wonderfully, magical Christmas! We did.
Dec 23, 2009
Christmas Memories...
like everyone, I have a lot of them. But it was only about 4 weeks ago, the most bestest, sweetest Christmas memory was made. This is the first year my son really understands Santa. He's even learned all the words to 'Santa Claus is coming to town'. So several weeks ago, it's bedtime and he goes to his room to go to bed. Not even 30 minutes later I hear something coming from his room - an odd sound. I couldn't tell if he was screaming or having a nightmare - it was just an odd sound. So I (& DH) jump up and run to his room, swing the door open and there he is - singing...Santa Claus is coming to town! We don't go in his room, we closed the door and stood there listening to him sing. All at the same time, we're standing there listening, giggling and trying to figure out if he was awake. Then before you know it - silence. We crack the door open and he is out! He was singing in his sleep. It was a sweet moment. I NOW have the video camera ready - just in case.
He is soooo excited about Santa coming, he can't stand it. And to tell you the truth, neither can I.
Merry Christmas everyone!
He is soooo excited about Santa coming, he can't stand it. And to tell you the truth, neither can I.
Merry Christmas everyone!
Dec 20, 2009
Well, thank goodness I started this back in August! It was the only project I listed to complete in December for the CGQC. Just to let some of you know, it was a top secret mission because it is a gift for my son. I'm just glad I had those moments when my DH took our little guy grocery shopping. There were several times I've stayed up til 1-2am to work on it and it just reminded me of my 20's (BIG GRIN on my face) when I could stay up late or later & bounce back in a blink of an eye (I don't bounce like I used too)...those were fun times! And just for the record, I was always the designated driver - 95% of the time. Sorry, I digress...back to the quilt. I didn't label it but instead I sewed the date & some special words into the quilt. I can't wait to see his face when he opens it!
Well, Christmas is right around the corner & my Mom & sister are coming sooooo, that means my time is just for them. I probably won't be blogging for the next week or so, but I will be checking in on what everyone else is doing/saying.
So, I hope you have a wonderful & joyful Christmas! I also want to take this opportunity to wish Jesus a 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY!'
Well, Christmas is right around the corner & my Mom & sister are coming sooooo, that means my time is just for them. I probably won't be blogging for the next week or so, but I will be checking in on what everyone else is doing/saying.
So, I hope you have a wonderful & joyful Christmas! I also want to take this opportunity to wish Jesus a 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY!'
Dec 19, 2009
My Secret Santa...
is AWESOME! & the sweetest when it comes to gift giving. I am the LUCKIEST girl. Carolyn of Lakeside Quilting, had my name. And this is what she gave me...a beautiful card.
The prettiest tote...the fabric is soft & much prettier than the picture...
And then all of this...
Everything was wrapped, in that pretty tote...and the small quilt kit (in the brown bag) is AWESOME! When finished, it will measure 15 x 18! How cute is that? As I was going through my goodies, I couldn't help but (for a brief moment) feel like that cartoon character - Daffy Duck. There is an episode where Daffy is holding onto something, yelling 'It's mine! All mine!'. I really feel like a little kid, I can't stop giggling!!!
Carolyn...(again) thank you for all the wonderful gifts. I can't wait to make that quilt. I really am a lucky gal! Merry Christmas!
Dec 18, 2009
CGQC December Tag...
Our co-leader, Joan, has tagged us. We are to show a few of our favorite Christmas decorations. I have quite a few decorations that I have acculmulated over the years and I adore them ALL. This is the first year I didn't put EVERYTHING out. So here are a couple of my favorite...

I just love seeing kids (& adults) giggling when they see the wreath on my car...it makes me laugh! It's one way I spread Christmas cheer!
Dec 15, 2009
Pre-Christmas Clearance SALE @ Cotton Charm Quilts!
I know I've said it before but I'm going to say it again - I love a good sale and Cotton Charm Quilts is having a Pre-Christmas Clearance Sale! Ok, so I've checked out the sale & Gobble Gobble, Glace, Panache and other great lines are in it! And it's my duty as a girlfriend to tell my girlfriends about sales - right? It doesn't hurt to look! : )
Dec 14, 2009
Dear Santa...
It's been forever since my last letter. I stopped writing because it's more important for you to focus on the little ones so I just stopped. But don't take it the wrong way - I will always BELIEVE! So the little helpers over at the Jolly Jabber suggested that we write you and tell you what we would want from the Fat Quarter Shop. Well, I only have one thing that I would want...and it's the CAMPING UNDER THE STARS QUILT KIT! I've attached a photo and link so you can find it faster...
As you can see, it's the most wonderfulest quilt in the whole wide world and I would love to make it! Hope you can make it to my house...
ps...if you can't make it to my house - I won't be bitter.
As you can see, it's the most wonderfulest quilt in the whole wide world and I would love to make it! Hope you can make it to my house...
ps...if you can't make it to my house - I won't be bitter.
Dec 10, 2009
And the Oscar goes to...
I mean Moda Sampler Box...
Like I said, I'm feeling really festive so I thought I'd give a little nibble to a lucky 4th person...
Congratulations! (sorry for the so-so pictures)...thanks to everyone for playing along...this was fun!!! Ladies please email me your snail mail so I can mail your prize.
The Nostalgia honey bun goes to...
The Schnibbles DECOY pattern goes to...Like I said, I'm feeling really festive so I thought I'd give a little nibble to a lucky 4th person...
Congratulations! (sorry for the so-so pictures)...thanks to everyone for playing along...this was fun!!! Ladies please email me your snail mail so I can mail your prize.
Dec 8, 2009
Christmas Quilt Show
SewCalGal is hosting a virtual Christmas Quilt Show. AWESOME! And what do you know? I just happen to have completed my first Christmas wall hanging. I completed the Half Pint a couple of weeks ago. I was in a quilt along with some great ladies. I used The Caroler by M.E. and even though the colors are not the traditional colors, the more I sewed with it the more the the colors grew on me. Now I can't wait to make something else with that line. Ok, now if you have a Christmas quilt & you want the world to see it...you need to go to SewCalGal blog & sign up...hope to see ya there!
Dec 5, 2009
Rachelle Writes - Storage Cabinet Giveaway
This is really a neat giveaway...you could win an EZ View Desk Top (it's the first picture). But there is more, there are 11 more ways to win this and there will be a chance for a charity that helps abused children to also win one. There are a lot of details so if your interest please go check Rachelle's blog.
but The Original Scrap Box has other amazing products like this...

Dec 4, 2009
Some freak has hacked into Joan's, our co-leader of the CGQC, email account & is asking for money. Joan is not in England. DO NOT SEND MONEY.
Dec 3, 2009
100th Post Giveaway!!!
Ok, so technically it's my 94th post but does it really matter? I'm the kind of person who likes to be a little early for an appointment - so why not this? Anyhoo, I'm just so excited to have this blog to talk about quilts and meet other ladies that have the same interest. I just love the part that I can talk, talk, talk and talk and no one can do anything about it! HA! HA! So to celebrate the occasion, I'm offering
Prizes: 1st The Moda Sampler (yummy!), 2nd Nostalgia Honey Bun & 3rd Schnibbles Decoy Pattern
Rules: Very simple - leave me a comment and your entered. The cut off time will be 6pm CST on December 10th. I will pick the winners that night.
***For those of you who have tried to leave me a comment in the past but couldn't - I've changed my settings so NOW anyone can leave a comment. I didn't realize this until it was brought to my attention...sorry.
BONUS ENTRY - For Joan, Katherine, Stef, Allie, Beth, Samplus4k, Mel, Melody, Esther, Jonelle & Wendy - I want to let you ladies know that I appreciate you keeping track (following) of me. So all of you get an extra entry. And I would think everyone would agree that - that is fair.
Times up...no more comments. I'll be back later this evening to announce the lucky winners!
Dec 2, 2009
A CGQC December Project.
My list is short. There is only one thing I want/need to get done this month and that is the Dinosaur Uproar quilt. I hope to quilt & bind it within the next week & a half. If I get anything else done - it'll be icing on the cake!
Dec 1, 2009
SALE @ Cotton Charm Quilts!
I'm always window shopping...but who doesn't? LOL! Anyhoo, Cotton Charm Quilts is having a sale and just in time for Christmas! I just love a sale...not that I 'NEED' anything but like that really matters. If you still have some Christmas shopping to do, I'd go check it out. I doesn't hurt to look - right? Don't wait too long it ends on Dec. 7th (?). Now...do I really need the Boutique fat quarter bundle???
Nov 30, 2009
A CGQC November finish.
I have to agree with Joan, Where did November go? At least I can say that I've finished 1 of my projects for November. I'm just so excited with how it turned out. Thanks to Kelly, I have this wonderful wall hanging for many Christmases to come! I hope to finish the mini me sometime this week.
Well, I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving.
Nov 26, 2009
Check list
I don't know how many of you will be doing the Black Friday event but I thought I'd just do a quick reminder/suggestion list:
- Take your ads/print outs
- charge your cell phone
- contact wearer's - take your eye drops
- a couple of asprin/advil
Nov 25, 2009
Nov 24, 2009
I can't stand it!
Ok, I got these a couple of weeks ago...
Nice, huh? They weren't in the budget but ya know - it's Christmas time. Anyhoo, I got them from the Fat Quarter Shop when they first came out. See, I was thinking one for me, one for you (?) and the other would make a few nice little 'happy' bundle gifts. My 100th post is coming up & so is Christmas. With all the festivities starting, I didn't want to forget & I want to make sure the winner gets it by Christmas. So, I figure I would do my 100th post giveaway after Thanksgiving...even though I've only posted 88 (?) times, at the rate I'm flapping my gums #100 should be here in no time! Hope everyone is having a great week!
Nice, huh? They weren't in the budget but ya know - it's Christmas time. Anyhoo, I got them from the Fat Quarter Shop when they first came out. See, I was thinking one for me, one for you (?) and the other would make a few nice little 'happy' bundle gifts. My 100th post is coming up & so is Christmas. With all the festivities starting, I didn't want to forget & I want to make sure the winner gets it by Christmas. So, I figure I would do my 100th post giveaway after Thanksgiving...even though I've only posted 88 (?) times, at the rate I'm flapping my gums #100 should be here in no time! Hope everyone is having a great week!
Nov 22, 2009
Ahead of schedule...
by a week! I broke down and put up our Christmas (not 'holiday'...can I get an Amen?) tree & decorations. And as we were going through the boxes and putting out the Santas and tons of other Christmas figurines, I found this...
I got this wall hanging a little over 10 years ago. Before I left CA, I gave myself a day of shopping and I found this. I've seen Mary's things before but this tapestry spoke to me. It's our theme for Christmas & pretty much throughout the year. And look at me now, I'm using her fabric to make quilts...LOL! Who would have thunk it? And last year I added a little bling to our collection...
Is there anyone else out there that has put up their tree yet? If you don't want to say, I don't blame you. Who wants to be called a freak? : ) I sure hope the next three days go by fast!
Nov 20, 2009
It's the SUPERBOWL version of the best shopping day of the year...and if you haven't seen some of the deals going on, and your into the event, you really need to go check out www.bfads.net. For example, Jo-ann's is having one heck of a sale...like 50% off of quilting notions - thread - all batting, 40% off of quilting bundles and they also have a Rowenta DX6900 Duo Iron for $39.99 (reg. 79.99). I can feel my heart pounding from all the anticipated excitement to come! Oh, and then there's Target, Kohl's, Michaels & Hancock's...too many stores to list them all. If you want more infomation, you really need to go check out the website.
DISCLAIMER...Prices & discounts are subject to change so make sure to check/verify the vendors ad to see what they will have on sale. I don't want anyone mad at me for a misprint. LOL! This website is supposed to have all the black Friday ads listed on it's website - www.bfads.net. Even though it's about a week away, it doesn't hurt to start planning ahead!
DISCLAIMER...Prices & discounts are subject to change so make sure to check/verify the vendors ad to see what they will have on sale. I don't want anyone mad at me for a misprint. LOL! This website is supposed to have all the black Friday ads listed on it's website - www.bfads.net. Even though it's about a week away, it doesn't hurt to start planning ahead!
She is one hip chick. She had her 300th post giveaway a couple of weeks ago and - yep - I won! And I would have posted a picture a couple of days ago but I wanted to be able to take the picture outside. This is one beautiful quilt top and the cool thing is, Katherine also sent me matching material for the binding! After looking over this quilt, I need to learn how to iron better. I don't 'press' very good, maybe it's my iron - that I inherited from my Mom 20 years ago.
I also got a bonus surprise...
How cute is that? Since I was already having problems with my Thanksgiving wall hanging, I put it aside and put this one up. I really am one lucky gal to have won this prize! Katherine - Thank You!!!
I also got a bonus surprise...
How cute is that? Since I was already having problems with my Thanksgiving wall hanging, I put it aside and put this one up. I really am one lucky gal to have won this prize! Katherine - Thank You!!!
Nov 19, 2009
If you have DISH Satellite - they now have Christmas music! There are 4 channels to choose from:
Hope everyone is having a great day!!!
- 091 (AUD20) Holiday Music
- 093 (SIRI) SIRIUS Holly
- 094 (SIRI) SIRIUS Holiday Traditions
- 097 (MUZ) Christmas Music
Hope everyone is having a great day!!!
Nov 18, 2009
CGQC November Tag...
Kelly has tagged us and since Thanksgiving (in the US) is coming up, she is asking us to list what we are grateful for & what other hobbies do we have. So here it goes, I'm grateful for...
- My family & friends.
- Our health.
- Our house.
- This blog because I can talk about quilt stuff until my jaw hurts (work with me) and nobody is going to ask me to hush. I'm a private person so I don't talk or post pictures about my son or family too much but I still feel like I'm connecting with all of you because we have something in common. And I just realized if I want to share personal pictures with you - that's what email is for...DUH!
- And knowing what goes on in the world...I catch myself thanking God for the life I have and the people in it. When I feel down, I just turn on Fox News and it reminds me how lucky I am to have the life I have. That's why I put 'Life is good...quilting just makes it better' in my blog title, because it's true.
Nov 16, 2009
Nov 13, 2009
Mini Road Trip!
We are going to Little Rock, AR tomorrow. I'm excited because I am hoping to pick up some much needed quilting supplies. Since it's an all day event, my husband & I list what stores each of us would like to go too. This go around, I'm claiming Joann's, Salvation Army & Target. I'm hoping to squeeze in Michael's. I don't have to claim Sam's or Tractor Supply because I know he will. I just need to make sure I have my 'need to get' list in my purse. Before I do forget, I'm going to go do it now.
Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!
Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!
Cotton Charm Quilts
Over the past month, I've watched some ladies do the 'Year in Schnibbles' thing. And some of those patterns are just adorable! So I went ahead and order these from Cotton Charm Quilts, Kelly's store...
and when I got my package, this is what I got...
Kelly is just a kind & generous person (I bet she never raises her voice). Well, personally - quality is much more important than quantity. And that is what I appreciate about Kelly and her store and it's not about the - once in a blue moon 'happy' in my package. Her prices are almost, if not, better than most stores out there. I know - because I have to watch my budget, not that I can follow one but that's beside the point. Anyhoo, if you haven't shopped with Kelly before you should at least go check it out and if you have...you already know what I'm talking about. And here I'm thinking, if you found a nice store or product, wouldn't you want to share it with your friends? So that's what I'm doing. Happy Friday!!!
and when I got my package, this is what I got...
Kelly is just a kind & generous person (I bet she never raises her voice). Well, personally - quality is much more important than quantity. And that is what I appreciate about Kelly and her store and it's not about the - once in a blue moon 'happy' in my package. Her prices are almost, if not, better than most stores out there. I know - because I have to watch my budget, not that I can follow one but that's beside the point. Anyhoo, if you haven't shopped with Kelly before you should at least go check it out and if you have...you already know what I'm talking about. And here I'm thinking, if you found a nice store or product, wouldn't you want to share it with your friends? So that's what I'm doing. Happy Friday!!!
Nov 12, 2009
CGQC - Secret Santa!
Nov 11, 2009
Nov 9, 2009
My mini swap partner was Peggy. And this is what I received in the mail today...
I would have sent you a personal email but you don't have one listed. So I would like to say 'THANK YOU!', I just LOVE it! And thank you for making my first mini swap - fun. I can't wait to put this up after Thanksgiving.
Michelle : )
(I hope Peggy doesn't mind that I used her picture.) If you look real close those blocks are like mini log cabin blocks. AMAZING! And it's mine! (giggling)
I would have sent you a personal email but you don't have one listed. So I would like to say 'THANK YOU!', I just LOVE it! And thank you for making my first mini swap - fun. I can't wait to put this up after Thanksgiving.
Michelle : )
I thought I would be able to get the kind of thread I needed at wally world to start quilting my Half Pint with but they only had hand quilting thread in stock. Since I'm about 2 hours south & north of some fabric stores, I went ahead and ordered some online yesterday. Hopefully I won't have to wait too long. So instead of working on the Simplicity quilt - I started on a runner. After I finished the center, I had to put that on hold because I need to get some fabric for the border. So I went ahead and started on my Thanksgiving wall hanging.
And the funny thing is - that's normal...to have several projects on the fire (right?).
And the funny thing is - that's normal...to have several projects on the fire (right?).
Nov 7, 2009
Mini Swap Quilt - waiting...
I'm anxiously waiting to get my mini quilt from my partner. I thinks it's coming from a different country but she will neither confirm or deny that she has my name (giggling like a kid). I really feel like a kid on Christmas Eve. Good things come to those who wait - right?...maybe tomorrow. : )
Nov 6, 2009
The Mini Me Half Pint Quilt top...
is DONE! I finished it last night. I would show you a picture of it but you'll have to wait. I want to be able to take a picture of it outside and that won't happen until Saturday.
Hope everyone has a great Friday! Is it 5 o'clock yet?
Hope everyone has a great Friday! Is it 5 o'clock yet?
Nov 5, 2009
A couple of weeks back, Joan (who was hosting our CGQC club last month) asked for recipes from us Charming Girl's and for those who submitted one - she had a giveaway. And my name was picked...whohoo for me! Well, I got my prize the other day. It was like Christmas...but different. Anyhoo, the book was signed by Karen (AWESOME!), I can't wait to have some alone time to enjoy each page. Then there is The Quilter's Angel kit. Joan even labeled the material in the kit! I'm looking forward to completing it. Then she sent me the neat towel. I'm going to hang it in my sewing room. And then of course, the card - it's a picture of The Quilt Taffy quilt she made. Joan has the most elegant hand writing. To Joan, thank you for such a sweet prize.
Nov 4, 2009
CGQC November Projects
I can't believe we are less than 2 months away from Christmas! So with that in mind,there are only 2 items I want/need to finish and that is the Dinosaur Uproar & Simplicity quilts. I prefer to get those done before anything else, since they are Christmas presents. So for November I would like to complete the following:
1. Fix the quilting boo-boos & bind Simplicity.
2. Quilt & bind the Dinosaur quilt. This might be a little tricky because I changed my mind and now want to find a flannel backing. It's not like we have a quilting store near by so I either need to go to Monroe, LA, Little Rock, AR or shop on the net.
3. Quilt & bind Half Pint.
4. Make a Mini Mini-Me Half Pint wallhanging (for my work).
5. And a table runner - just for ducks.
I wish I was one of those people who only need like 4 hours sleep. The things I could get done. Well, I'm looking forward to seeing everyone else's projects. I also can't for us to finish Half Pint. :)
1. Fix the quilting boo-boos & bind Simplicity.
2. Quilt & bind the Dinosaur quilt. This might be a little tricky because I changed my mind and now want to find a flannel backing. It's not like we have a quilting store near by so I either need to go to Monroe, LA, Little Rock, AR or shop on the net.
3. Quilt & bind Half Pint.
4. Make a Mini Mini-Me Half Pint wallhanging (for my work).
5. And a table runner - just for ducks.
I wish I was one of those people who only need like 4 hours sleep. The things I could get done. Well, I'm looking forward to seeing everyone else's projects. I also can't for us to finish Half Pint. :)
Nov 3, 2009
Half Pint Quilt Along - Top
It's done! And I'm just lovin' it! (the picture doesn't do the fabric any justice) I love the pattern, the fabric, the little square borders - EVERYTHING about it!!! But the most bestest part is - I'm making this quilt with a bunch of talented ladies. I can't wait to get this quilted.
Nov 1, 2009
It just keeps getting better...
There is a tad bit of sarcasim when I say that. Well, as I was arranging my blocks and started to sew the rows, I noticed that some of the colored blocks looked a smidge smaller than the solid blocks. But I kept sewing. When I started to sew the rows together...just out of curiousity, I measured some of the smaller blocks - they were approx. this much off, my thumb & pointy finger are touching! Needless to say, as I was sewing the rows together, at the same time I was redoing sections of the row so they would line up. I'm done with the center and am pretty much happy with how it turned out. There are a couple of squares that are not matching up but I got over it. The inner border is a saw tooth border and it's not speaking to me (not really my style). But have you seen Kelly's? - it looks beautiful! So I still have some time to figure out how I want my border to look like. This is going to be a wall hanging so I really don't want to have a big border. I'm just hoping I don't hit anymore speed bumps with this quilt.
Oct 31, 2009
Last night we decorated the haunted Halloween house and had a hoot of a time! It was more fun & messy than I thought it would be and of course my kid LOVED it - that's all that matters. Then I forgot to post some of the ZOO BOO pictures from the Memphis Zoo. I took tons of pictures so I just picked a couple I wanted to share with you. I hope everyone has a FUN & safe time trick or treating tonight!
Oct 30, 2009
Let me try it again...
(I'm clearing my throat)...I"M SWIMMING!
I was able to fix all (20) of the 9-patches last night. So that means, I will be able to work on sewing the center tonight...right after we decorate our cookie haunted house & then after that - I need to figure out where each block should go. Well, at least it's Friday night and I can stay up as late as I want or at least as long as my brain will let me. : )
I was able to fix all (20) of the 9-patches last night. So that means, I will be able to work on sewing the center tonight...right after we decorate our cookie haunted house & then after that - I need to figure out where each block should go. Well, at least it's Friday night and I can stay up as late as I want or at least as long as my brain will let me. : )
Oct 29, 2009
Have a giggle on me...
If you take a closer look at my 9-patches (in the below post) you might notice that there are some that don't have a colored center. I guess in my excitement I didn't notice - until now - just when I was about to lay out my center piece. Needless to say, I have to redo 20 of my patches...it's going to be a long night!
I'm swimming!
Kelly, whose hosting our Half-Pint quilt along (who also happens to be our team leader on the CGQC) asked if we were swimming in 9-patches. Now I can say that I am! Those squares sure are small but still I'm glad to be doing this quilt along because I've never done a 9-patch quilt. Maybe down the road I might try to do a bigger quilt (I said maybe) Well, I'm hoping to have the center together in the next day or two...
Hope everyone is having a wonderful day!
Oct 28, 2009
Labels - Less is more...
When it comes to labels (and pretty much everything else - especially make-up) I believe in the 'LESS IS MORE' motto. Even if I had pretty hand writing, a printer or an embroidery machine, I still wouldn't want that kind of label. I guess it all depends on the style of the quilt maker - right? Well, instead of doing a detailed label, I ordered these custom made tags from Lola. I sewed this tag on the mini quilt. And when I was quilting it, I quilted the date 'OCT 2009' into the quilt. I just love the simplicity of it and how it turned out - I just forgot to take a picture of it. Anyhoo - but don't get me wrong, I do enjoy looking at labels. I especially like the one Esther did for her mini quilt. If your into labels, you really should go check hers out - very snazzy! And if anyone has suggestions on simple labeling techniques - I would love to hear about it.
Oct 27, 2009
Online Red Kettle
Kris has started this really neat giveaway. All you have to do is leave a comment and your entered. Then if you feel like putting some change in her kettle - you can get 5 more entries. If you blog about it, you get an extra entry. So when you look at the whole picture, it's a win - win! I didn't even know there was an online Red Kettle thing...all I know is - when that red kettle shows up, we put a little something in it each time we see it. It feels good to give. No matter how small or big, what matters is you try your best to do some good.
Oh, and if you want to know what the prize is go check her out at Dandelion Quilts.
Oh, and if you want to know what the prize is go check her out at Dandelion Quilts.
Oct 26, 2009
Mini Quilt Swap - DONE!
I hope my swap partner likes it. This is the 4th quilt I've completed and it is the 2nd quilt I've quilted on Bessie. Yes, that's right - I think I've finally figured her out, now all I have to to do is just practice. Anyhoo, I sent it out by UPS Ground today. She should have it by Thursday...call me silly but I still feel nervous.
Oct 25, 2009
Dinosaur Uproar - DONE!
The quilt top is done! I'm really please with how it turned out. As some of you know, I was only able to work on it when my little one was away from the house. So as of right now, I have completed one of my CCGC (hosted by Joan this month) projects.
I'm hoping to post a picture of my mini quilt for the swap later today. Hope everyone is enjoying their Sunday.
Oct 20, 2009
New Give Away Alert!
There is a cool give away on Pumpkin Patch Primitives blog. She is giving away a Fat Quarter Bundle of Red Rooster's Pumpkins & Spice Fabrics by Whimsicals - possibly more. I read about it on Allie's blog but she's requested that her entry be given to Terry. So if you want a chance to win, you need check it out. Have a great day sewing!
Oct 15, 2009
ZOO BOO at the Memphis Zoo
We are leaving first thing Friday morning, taking a road trip to Memphis for the weekend. When we were researching our trip, we knew we wanted to take our little guy to the zoo and whadda ya know - the ZOO BOO for Halloween happens to start on the 16th! AWESOME! So tomorrow night we will be at the Le Bonheur Children's Medical Center ZOO BOO event. In addition to the zoo and the Bass Pro Shop, I've made sure I have at least 1 or 2 quilting/fabric stores put on our to 'visit' list.
Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend sewing!
Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend sewing!
CGQC October Tag...
Joan is hosting our club this month and she has just tagged us. The question is: Which shoe fits you and why do you think so?
I happen to think I fit into 2 different shoes, the easy going & the young at heart. I'm easy...going that is. Most of the time I go with the flow because I do...but when I don't want or care for something I know when to use my voice. I'm a Libra. I like the motto; Don't sweat the small stuff because in the end it's all small stuff. When it comes to the young at heart, I believe that age is just a number. I do admit to being goofy at times but I love to laugh. I believe laughing keeps your heart & soul young...and people look so much better when their doing it!
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