May 15, 2010

Schnibbles Times Two Contest

 Kelly over at Cotton Charm Quilts is participating in the Schnibbles Times Two Contest as an online quilt store.

How AWESOME is that?  If your interested in joining in the fun, you need to go check out Kelly's post.

I don't know if I'm more excited about making a Schnibbles quilt or participating in the contest with a bunch of fun, talented ladies!  Either way, I'm EXCITED  to be joining in on the fun!


  1. I ordered the book (been looking at it for a while now) Not use if I will participate in the contest though :)

  2. Have fun Michelle.. looking forward to seeing your project which will be a winner in my book♥♥♥

  3. I have ordered my copy, hoping to join in the fun!

  4. Alrighty head over and check this out! Thanks for the heads up! What I love about blogging..those who share the newsy stuff.

  5. I'm going to join the contest too. I have a couple of ideas for quilts. I just love this book!

  6. I'm so excited that you're going to be Schnibbling with us - it will be a lot of fun! Can't wait to see which quilt you're doing and the fabric, too!
